Titchy Jo

all about me, my boys and my adventures in Canada

Back in action…

on 13/02/2014

After a titchy break, I’m back. Six amazing weeks in the UK and a house move have kept me more than occupied recently.  It’s been an incredible and hectic time and I’ve learned a few things along the way, including:

– Flat pack furniture and two year olds don’t mix

– My Dad has never, in over 70 years, ever used a hairdryer

– My Mum has never had a chip butty *

– It is definitely possible to eat too much cheese

– Beetle larvae make great first pets (as long as you don’t let them escape in the chemist, that seems to cause quite a stir) **

– 72 hours (and counting) of constant, incorrect, renditions of the ‘ABC Song’ can begin to grate a little

– Not matter how many Kale smoothies you drink and yoga sessions you sweat through, there is nothing as uplifting as a couple of boozy, giggly nights with old friends

Despite our new house currently being a little ‘minimalist’ to say the least we do have a sofa and TV in time to enjoy the Winter Olympics in a country that is truly besotted by the spectacle.  It seems Canadians don’t just love the glory sports, the downhill, snowboarding and figure skating.  They are also very fond of the ones where the competitors throw themselves down icy pipes on tea trays or manically brush the ground whilst wearing half sticky/half slippy shoes.  For my part my thoughts on Sochi 2014 can pretty much be boiled down to three key phrases that I have repeated regularly throughout the past week:

– “Oof that’s got to hurt, I hope there’s a replay”

– “Jeez, just imagine how strong their thighs are”

– “Is that actually a sport?  Perhaps I should try it”

With Canada currently 2nd in the medal table and the UK 22nd I am shamelessly cheering for my new country but keeping a place in my heart for my real home, especially when I read headlines like “Chemmy Alcott thrilled with 19th place, inspired by Lady Gaga”.  I think more of the athletes should be inspired by Gaga, the figure skating outfits would be incredible.

* The poor folk haven’t lived

** Ours is called Crystal

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